The Adventures of Swiss Family Willis Dan, Michelle, Toby, Noah and Ben Thu, 25 Nov 2010 20:36:41 +0800 en-US hourly 1 Week 3 – Exercise Thu, 25 Nov 2010 20:34:07 +0000 So exercise.  Yeah.  It is tricky being regular with this. So we changed our thinking a little and it has helped.  Used to be concerned about how far we ran (we have a treadmill).  But have decided to concentrate on time instead and calories burnt.  I have discovered that when I walk (at 7km/h) uphill I burn nearly twice as many calories as when i run on a flat surface at 11km/h.  Pretty cool, but obviously I don’t go as far!  Exercise is addictive, totally addictive!

So cutting down on sugar is tough.  But we definitely did a pretty good job.  Daniel did much better than me.  After a couple of days of no sugar, i had a bite of brownie and the sugar hit me really fast and I felt a little sick actually.  That was just from one bite!  And then last night I ate a couple of meringues.  They were good!  And full of sugar.  But all in all, we have found ourselves not being too excited about eating sweet stuff and I can’t buy stuff with artificial preservatives and flavour in them anymore.  Funny how you can train your mind.  It seems that is the key to healthy eating.

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The truth about sugar Mon, 15 Nov 2010 09:22:42 +0000 Here is an interesting article about sugar.

A couple of things I learnt:

  • Brown sugar is basically no better for you than white sugar (it is white sugar with added molasses…)
  • Kids don’t go crazy when they eat sugar – that is a myth.
  • Lactose is the only sugar that does not cause tooth decay!
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Week 2 – cut down on sugar Mon, 15 Nov 2010 09:12:57 +0000 Preservative free week has gone well.  Eaten so many vegetables and had heaps of natural snacks in between meals replacing flavoured snacks.  I seriously feel better for it.  This week we are going to add to it by cutting down our sugar intake.  I am a sucker for lollies so they will be first off the list.  No soft drinks (although we managed that last week so that should make it easier).  I do like a sugar in my tea so will try to cut down on that.  Baking is something I love but unfortunately I end up eating a lot of it too so will have to do more savoury baking or cut down the sugar in recipes.

Actually, on the weekend I made a lovely date cake.  The recipe says one cup of white sugar and one cup of brown.  I only did 2/3 cup of each and it can out perfect and plenty sweet enough!  So there, it is possible, at least it is a start!

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10 weeks to a healthier us Wed, 10 Nov 2010 09:04:29 +0000 We are pretty healthy in general.  Don’t eat too much rubbish and exercise regularly.  But compared to our time in Switzerland, we definitely are eating a little worse – and i blame that that on the vast amount of readily available (even 24 hours) fast food.  Again, we probably eat out once a week but even then, that isn’t great. And exercise isn’t a natural part of our day.  Like, no biking to the grocery store, church, work, everywhere really!  It’s just too flippin hard in this county (and biking is too dangerous with kids in tow, seriously!).  So we are using a treadmill – thanks Corina!

I have been doing a lot of thinking lately, brought about by Daniel doing a lot of thinking too.  But we eat a lot of food that is really processed and refined and not in its natural state.  So we have decided to change one thing a week, for 10 weeks and see where we end up!

This week we have started eating nothing with any preservatives or additives, colours or flavour enhancers that are not natural.  That is pretty easy but thought it best to start on an easy task.  Most of my curries and sauces, I make from scratch using fresh herbs and spices.  Things like Coke Zero, which I love, is a bit harder to let go.  Pretty much nothing flavoured anymore, only plain rice crackers (some even have added MSG in the plain variety, I don’t understand why!).  Instead some homemade dip or hummus to add a bit of flavour!

Let you know how we go and our goal for next week soon

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Resurrection Wed, 10 Nov 2010 08:45:10 +0000 I was thinking of starting up with writing this blog again ?!  What do you think?  I would like to do this more for me and my family than anyone else –  it is a cool place to keep record of bits and pieces happening in our lives so that we can look back later on and give thanks or go “man i will never do that again!”.   So here we go…

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What are you doing while you’re waiting? Wed, 10 Jun 2009 10:50:09 +0000 I have tried a number of times to write a post but I just end up complaining about South Auckland and making myself homesick for Switzerland. So I have decided only to post stuff that doesn’t involve complaining.

Daniel and I just watched the movie “Fireproof”. It is really cool, awesome even. It is meant to strengthen marriages, relationships.  I think it does that! Ya’ll out there should watch it.  I reckon I would like a copy of the 40-day love dare book and try it out, except I have kinda ruined it by posting that I might try it out.

This song from the movie has inspired me:

While I’m Waiting by John Waller:
I’m waiting
I’m waiting on You, Lord
And I am hopeful
I’m waiting on You, Lord
Though it is painful
But patiently, I will wait

I will move ahead, bold and confident
Takeing every step in obedience
While I’m waiting
I will serve You
While I’m waiting
I will worship
While I’m waiting
I will not faint
I’ll be running the race
Even while I wait

I’m waiting
I’m waiting on You, Lord
And I am peaceful
I’m waiting on You, Lord
Though it’s not easy
But faithfully, I will wait
Yes, I will wait
I will serve You while I’m waiting
I will worship while I’m waiting
I will serve You while I’m waiting
I will worship while I’m waiting
I will serve you while I’m waiting
I will worship while I’m waiting on You, Lord

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Flying with Simon Fri, 17 Apr 2009 01:48:40 +0000 Wow, we had an awesome morning yesterday. I know, after my last disaster experience with flying you would think I dont want to go near a plane anymore… but I LOVE flying. Can’t ever stop me travelling….  Anyway, Uncle Simon the pilot (sorry Simon but that is what Toby calls you!) took us up in a wee 4-seater Cesna 172 and we did a birds-eye-view tour of Auckland. Auckland is beautiful really. And I can’t believe how many people have pools!

Both Toby and Noah came along. Noah sat on Aunty Missie’s lap and loved singing and hearing himself talk into the headset.

I have to say that ‘driving’ a plane is a lot harder than I thought. Simon trusted me to steer for a bit and I kept climbing higher and higher. I guess that is better than going lower and lower! I am now in awe of all pilots. You are very clever, Simon.

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Daniel, what’s up with the chocolate index Wed, 15 Apr 2009 09:31:02 +0000 Hey Daniel, don’t tell me you havent eaten any Swiss chocolate since I left? Correct me if I am wrong, but I don’t think the index has increased at all. Better get a move on… less than three weeks to impress me! Haha.

I miss you.

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A weekend away with the girls Wed, 15 Apr 2009 09:27:21 +0000 This is a long overdue post.  Well there are about 10 posts that I havent posted that I should have posted.  Doh. 

Not long before I left my beautiful Switzerland behind to return to New Zealand, my ‘Mami Treff’ friends organised a weekend away at Zentrum Ländli on Aegerisee.  This is a wellness resort run by Protestant nuns (who knew Protestant nuns existed? not me!).  It was so cool with great service, a beautiful setting, rooms with cool loft bedrooms and freaky staircases, loads of fresh snow around – the last I will see for a long time 🙁

5 of us (we missed you Simone!) travelled by train, the long way! – can you believe that we were so busy talking that we hopped on the wrong train then missed our stop?  Ok, I know, that is very believable when there are five women involved.  We all left our children in the capable hands of our wonderful husbands and ran away for some much deserved self indulgence.  We didnt just indulge in beautiful meals and relaxing in the wellness centre, but we also spent lots of time talking, singing, playing games, praying and encouraging each other (and a crazy hike through deep snow!).  It was amazing. 

Thank you girls for a beautifully wonderful and refreshing weekend.  Love you all heaps and missing you.  You are always in my thoughts!

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More snowboarding Fri, 10 Apr 2009 19:37:16 +0000 This is the third weekend in a row that I’ve been snowboarding. It is so awesome.

I’ve been frequenting Flumserberg; a resort about 2 hours from where I’m staying. It’s pretty accessible; just hop out of the train into the gondola and up the mountain. The end of the season draws near, but there is still plenty of snow due to the particularly cold and snowy winter we’ve had here in Switzerland.

Here are some photos I took today. I tried to write fairly interesting and descriptive descriptions, so don’t be scared to look a bit closer:

Also, I have to mention that my lovely wife sent me my favourite sweets from NZ: Pascall Eskimos. She is awesome and I miss her and she really needs to post on this blog!!

I know I still owe you some posts, too.

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