Comments on: Zimtsterne Dan, Michelle, Toby, Noah and Ben Fri, 28 Nov 2008 15:38:39 +0800 hourly 1 By: Jessica Fri, 28 Nov 2008 15:08:31 +0000 What book did you get that has such a great recipe? Those stars turned out beautiful! I am also looking forward to baking up a cookie storm soon. I bought a great little book too that I would recommend:

By: Dad Tue, 25 Nov 2008 09:43:05 +0000 Thanks, Michelle, for allowing us through your blog to experience life in Switzerland with you and your family.
I literally can smell your Zimtsterne and Brunsli. You musat have a pretty smart website…!

By: Crina Tue, 25 Nov 2008 06:34:34 +0000 Hi Mich, mum here (and Corina)
We really enjoyed your cornflakes and Zimtsterne postings. You’re a pro – I’ve never made such perfect looking Zimtsterne!! Well done.
Life is so exciting for you all. All these great new experiences for the boys.
We have different successes here – like Giselle just doing a poo on the potty…. Anyway.
Lucas is very cute and doing extremely well. So is Corina. She is amazing – like she never gave birth only two days ago!
Thinking fo you and missing you. Love, Mum

By: Louise Mon, 24 Nov 2008 22:34:57 +0000 Oh yum, thank you for the recipe! How did you get your icing on the top to look so perfect?
Sounds like you are going to have fun tomorrow, that is such a cool idea which I have shared with friends here but none are keen.
Will be looking forward to photos (and more recipes?).
Love Louise
