Comments on: Sorry… Dan, Michelle, Toby, Noah and Ben Thu, 26 Jun 2008 05:01:41 +0800 hourly 1 By: Steph van G Thu, 26 Jun 2008 05:01:41 +0000 Hi guys! Hope life is settling down and you’re all becoming more at home with everything. How’re the boys doing? Hope the chicken pox / gastro bugs have calmed down.
We’re all fine. Ashley is turning 7 at the end of August, and has informed us she wants to have a ‘sleepover’. Sounds good to me – only 3 extra kids and most of their time is spent sleeping! Hee hee.
Joshy will be 5 at the end of September, so he is gearing himself up for that. He has a new list of ‘hopes and dreams’ everyday it seems. He’s going to kindy 3 full days a week now, so is more than ready to start school. Will be good for him to channel all of that energy!
Anyway, enough of my blah, take care and God bless.
Love Steph xxx

By: Ruth Beale Wed, 25 Jun 2008 05:26:09 +0000 Hey Michelle! so lovely to see your pics and read your stories! Sorry to hear the boys have had chicken pox. My goodness you are having such amazing adventures and some frustrations to i see! Thanks for adding our blog to your site!
Love Ruth
