Comments on: Schloss Biberstein Weihnachtsmarkt Dan, Michelle, Toby, Noah and Ben Thu, 26 Nov 2009 23:34:45 +0800 hourly 1 By: urban quint Thu, 26 Nov 2009 23:34:45 +0000 Hi, my wife Jeanine was doing a search on Google for Schloss Biberstein. She happened to find your family website and we read your page about the gifts at the castle store. I grew up living at Schloss Biberstein in 1950-1954. I live in the USA now. Last week my son David and I visited Schloss Biberstein. I hadn’t been there since 1985. On this last trip I found who my real father was and found out I have a half brother Willy Kinzler near Zurich. It was a special eventful trip and my son was with me – made it even more special.Sincerely urban quint

By: Priscilla Tue, 02 Dec 2008 21:59:17 +0000 Well even though I’m loving the warmer weather here in Aucks, i’m still a bit jealous of you guys getting a lovely snowy Christmas in such a gorgeous country 🙂 I’m still gutted I didn’t get my white Christmas in America last year (I thought Philadelphia would be a safe bet, but nope)… guess I’ll just have to try and get one in Canada or Europe sometime in the near future!

By: Dad Tue, 02 Dec 2008 18:25:20 +0000 Great to see how you are finding out about all these special places and activities. And then to go and enjoy them with your family.
Love Dad

By: Crina Tue, 02 Dec 2008 00:43:01 +0000 I remember going there! And was just thinking the other day how I wished I could remember where it was, and what the castle was called cos I thought your boys would love it. Glad you found it on your own! Looks like they had a ball. Wish I was in CH right now! The weather down South is nothing to write home about – heaters and electric blankets still on in DECEMBER!!! LOVE YOU xxx
