Comments on: Paper Bag Princess Dan, Michelle, Toby, Noah and Ben Fri, 20 Jun 2008 08:23:04 +0800 hourly 1 By: Jessica Fri, 20 Jun 2008 08:23:04 +0000 So exactly how much chocolate can you fit in those bags? 😉

I blogged awhile back about these baggu bags that I use. You should check them out if you want a super cool, resuable bag that you can always have at hand for shopping:

Wow, they have like a million more colors now. Pretty.

Ps. I bought mine on Amazon.

By: Anita Fri, 20 Jun 2008 03:34:51 +0000 I always forget my eco bags too! I wish our ones were that cool 🙂 Instead of just boring green. Sorry to read about your marriage dramas, well your marriage license dramas I should say!! Pics please if you and Dan do get ‘re married’ he he he
