Comments on: 6 months in Switzerland Dan, Michelle, Toby, Noah and Ben Thu, 13 Nov 2008 20:42:40 +0800 hourly 1 By: Jessica Thu, 13 Nov 2008 20:42:40 +0000 6 Months! Goes by fast doesn’t it? We have been here around 8 months now and I cannot believe it. Crazy. I can’t wait to see what you guys get up to over the wintry months and Christmas!

By: Missie Sun, 09 Nov 2008 23:48:24 +0000 6 months! Shocker – sure does feel longer than that. Well, if it’s 6 months, you guys are terribly behind in your chocolate eating! Is that for the whole family? Cause it should at least be around 12 now! hehe… maybe I need to come over again and help you out hehe. Luv ya!

By: Ruth Sun, 09 Nov 2008 19:18:57 +0000 HI Michelle, thanks for you note! I’m glad Toby’s eyes are all sorted now, and really hope Lucy’s will be ok! They do seem to go off a lot these days, so we pray she will learn to control them more.
Absolutely love reading all your stories and adventures and seeing your photo’s too!! So thank you and I hope the next six months for you and filled with blessings and adventures!
